Twilight falls upon the City. New York becomes this wondrous place when Helios takes his chariot beneath the horizon and the stars like diamond dust fill the skies.
The people who live and work here bustle about, the City taking a deep relaxing breath as it heads from twilight to an obsidian night.
Like fireflies the leviathans along the great avenues begin to flicker and glow, their light filling the void with amber and blue.
The people look up into that brilliance amazed the garish beauty of it all, enthralled by the spell the City weaves in neon and sodium light.
No matter where in the City, no matter the business the Night becomes a new and different form of life.
The windows of the great stores on Madison giving a floor show for all who wish to see.
All the while people live their lives with their friends,
And begin their journeys home
The cars filling the streets looking to escape back to wherever they need to be
Slowly the streets empty
And the color finally washes out to a soft white
A different magic begins to fill the Night now
One in which retrospect of the day that has passed begins to fill our thoughts
The urgency to find sanctuary heightens as we look for that safe haven until the Sun rises again
We wonder if we shall be abandoned and forgotten in the fading glow
Perhaps a late show to chase away the feeling of isolation
As all the places begin to become lonely
We all escape
Except me. I’m a ghost. I am alone.